Students in private colleges are relatively weak in English basic skills, let alone their use of learning strategies. 民办高校学生的英语基本功较弱,更不必说在策略的使用上。
Of English basic skills, listening is the most important one and is also difficult to improve for most foreign language learners. 在英语听、说、读、写四种基本技能中,听力是最重要的技能之一,也是许多外语学习者感到难以提高的一项技能。
English writing plays an important role in English study and serves as one of English basic skills. 英语写作学习在英语学习中占据重要位置,英语写作技能也是英语基本技能(EBS)之一。
For ensuring the quality of the listening teaching, English basic skills are the base, the rationality and variety of the choice of language materials are the key, the communication and mixture of culture are the lubrication. 英语的基本功、语言材料选择及文化的沟通与融合构成影响听力教学质量的三个主要因素。
However, the teaching effect of Tourism English is not so good, because of students ' poor English basic skills, poor abilities of studying, limited learning time at school, too difficult textbooks and so on. 然而,由于中职学生英语基础较差、学习能力不强,且在校学习时间短、英语教材偏难等原因,旅游英语的课堂教学效果常不尽如人意。