That doctrine of laissez faire which so often in our history. 在我国历史上屡见不鲜的自由放任主义(LF)原则。
I do not believe in pure laissez faire, however. 不过,我不信奉纯粹的放任主义(LF)。
Laissez Faire(LF) and Economic Security : A Comparison of Southeast Asian Financial Crisis and American Subprime Mortgage Crisis 自由放任与经济安全&东南亚金融危机和美国次贷危机的比较
Laissez faire an economic theory from the18th century that is strongly opposed to any government intervention in business affairs. 自由不干预理论18世纪提出的经济理论,强力反对政府对商业作出任何干预。
American credit consumption concept of overdraft of the future, their laissez faire financial system and the foreign policies even controversial at home may all need change. 美国过度透支未来的信贷消费理念、完全自由放任的金融制度、和在美国国内也颇有争议的对外政策,可能都需要变革。