Subject matter is much, advocate course of study is dispersive, low fill appropriately a few, booth low cost, rebound decrease a storehouse. 题材多,主业分散,低位适当补一些,摊低成本,反弹减仓。
Strength performance of ordinary low grade rock cemented fill 普遍低标号碎石胶结充填料强度特性
Most soups are low in calories and will fill you up. 大多数汤热量低,并且能把你灌饱。
Limited numbers of low skilled workers needed to fill specific temporary labour shortage. 低技能人士,用于临时填补英国劳工市场短缺。
What this chart shows is the water level in the core where within, let's just say thirty seconds, it's empty or very very low and gradually it begins to fill up in the core. 这个图标展示的是水位,在核心内,就在30秒内,它就变成空的了,或者很低的,然后逐渐,它开始填满核心。