Billing according to the service provider's rating models ( e.g.Common Billing Interface ) 根据服务提供者的等级模型进行记账(例如:公共记账接口)
Under the background of growing cable broadband services and based on CAMS billing system supplied by the equipment provider, user management software for cable broadband system is designed and developed to meet the requirements of a citys cable broadband user management. 有线宽带管理系统用户管理软件是在有线宽带业务日益发展的背景下,针对某市有线宽带用户管理的要求,基于设备提供商所提供的CAMS计费系统而研制开发的用户管理软件。
This thesis focuses on integrated billing and accounting system design for IP service, designed for ISP ( Internet Service Provider ) and IPT ( IP Telephone ) services. 本论文致力于设计一个基于IP业务的综合计费与营帐系统。