The bloated planet can be explained by a highly elliptical orbit, which brings it close to the star and then far away. 这颗膨胀的行星可以用高度椭圆形轨道来解释。高度椭圆形轨道先使它距离星很近,然后远离。
A small icy object orbiting the Sun, often in a very highly elliptical orbit which takes it very close to the Sun at one end of its orbit, and very far away from the Sun at the other end of its orbit. 一种被冰覆盖的绕日运行的小天体,通常有着一个极高度椭圆的轨道,这使其在轨道的一端尽头非常接近太阳,而在轨道另一端尽头却离太阳非常遥远。