System danger analysis of machine-product is to do system hazard analysis for the small system and whole system to find out those that do not agree with possibly system safety objective and demand from whole system. 机械产品系统危险分析是对机械产品各主要子系统及整个系统进行系统危险分析,从整个系统角度找出与我们期望的系统目标和要求可能不符的地方。
On the basis of system hazard analysis of machine Tool and system safety goal and demand of machine tool can do system risk assessment of machine tool to determine unsafe Part or system, so that we can make good safety measure. 在机床系统危险分析的基础上,对高速机床进行系统安全评价,来判定哪个部分或哪个子系统是不安全的,从而为高速机床的安全性能的优化找到依据。
Therefore, it is imminent to construct China tsunami disaster mitigation system. And researches of tsunami numerical simulation, warning system, hazard analysis must be implemented urgently. 因此构建我国海啸防灾减灾体系迫在眉睫,海啸的数值模拟研究、预警系统建立、沿海地区危险性分析工作必须尽快开展。
The breakdown tree analysis is called FTA, is in the system safety hazard analysis method applies the most widespread one kind. The breakdown tree is the deductive expression breakdown event has the reason and its the logical relations logical tree chart. 故障树分析简称FTA,是演绎地表示故障事件发生原因及其逻辑关系的逻辑树图,是系统安全分析方法中应用最广泛的一种。
The full name of HACCP system is food " hazard analysis critical control point system ". HACCP体系全称为危害分析关键控制点,现已成为世界上最有权威的食品安全质量保护体系。