The system provides prepaid services, mobile VPN services and universal access number services. 现在该系统可提供预付费业务、移动虚拟专用网业务和通用接入码业务。
Application of Universal Grey Number to Interval Analysis 泛灰数在区间分析中的应用
To design a gaussian random number generator used for channel simulation and coder performance test, high-speed universal random number and correlated stochastic series generators are studied. 为设计一个用于信道仿真和编码器性能测试的高速高斯随机数发生器,研究了适于硬件实现的高速通用的连续随机变量和随机序列产生法。
Design and Implementation of Universal Access Number Service Based on Parlay Technology 基于Parlay技术的通用接入号码业务的设计与实现
Based on universal grey number four arithmetic operations, this paper puts forward a method of intervals number standard expression and discuss the intrinsic relation and application of standard intervals number four arithmetic operations and universal grey number. 在回顾泛灰数四则运算法则基础上,给出了区间数的标准表示,论述了标准区间数的四则运算法则与泛灰数的内在联系及其应用前景。