Economic Value Added ( EVA ) is a good tool to measure short-term economic results, which can accurately weigh the value created by the manager with low agent cost because it can deal with the influence on the short-term economic performance caused by market risks and research-developed investment. 经济增加值是衡量企业短期经济效益的较优指标,很好地处理了市场风险、研发投资对经济效益的影响,能准确衡量经营者对所有者创造的财富,代理成本较低。
Economic Value Added ( EVA ) is an important evaluation and management tool of modern enterprises, and it has been widely used among large foreign companies, but in China it is still at the initial trial stage. 经济增加值(EVA)是现代企业重要的价值管理工具,已广泛运用于国外大企业当中,但在我国还处在初步尝试阶段。
In recent years, Economic Value Added ( referred to as EVA ) as a value-based management tool, it has been applied in the bank sector more and more widely. 近年来,经济增加值(EconomicValueAdded,简称EVA)作为一种价值管理工具,在银行业中的应用越来越广泛。
Economic Value Added ( EVA ) is the emergence of value management-oriented and it is a best measurement tool of corporate financial performance compared with the traditional indicators. 而EVA的出现正是以价值管理为导向的,与传统指标比较,它是衡量企业理财业绩的不二之选。
Economic Value Added ( EVA ) is not only a financial indicators that be able to evaluate the level of value creation better, it is also a powerful enterprise value management tool. 经济增加值(EVA)不仅是能够较好评价价值创造水平的财务指标,而且是企业价值管理的有力工具。