Only 21.4 % of them were resistant to penicillin with 16 strains were low-level resistant to penicillin and 2 strains was high-level resistant to penicillin. Almost all of them were susceptible to vancomycin and rifampin. MRS对万古霉素100%敏感,对利福平和呋喃妥因敏感性高。仅有21.4%(18株)的菌株对青霉素耐药,其中,88.9%(16株)的是低度耐药,11.1%(2株)是高度耐药。
Staphylococci, including the strains resistant to penicillin, methicillin or other antibiotics, are particularly susceptible to Fucidin. 葡萄球菌,包括对青霉素,甲氧西林和其它抗菌素耐药的菌株,均对本品高度敏感。
A semisynthetic derivative of penicillin that is effective in the treatment of infections caused by certain susceptible strains of Gram-negative bacteria, such as Pseudomonas and Proteus. 盘尼西林的半合成衍生物,在治疗由革兰氏阴性细菌的某些过敏性菌系,如假单胞菌和变形杆菌引起的感染方面有疗效。