It automatically provides the design and runtime means for managing relational data as objects. 它自动提供设计和运行时方式,可将关系数据作为对象管理。
This will include the hand-shaking between the design and runtime for test running of SQL statements. 这包括设计与运行时之间的联合,从而测试SQL语句的运行。
This is because pureQuery has its own specific design and runtime JAR files that must be included with your Java project. 这是因为pureQuery有它自己特定的设计和运行时JAR文件,必须将这些文件包括在Java项目中。
A design of runtime environment for CORBA component is presented, which can support CORBA components'running at runtime. 分析了软件故障产生的原因,对软件运行环境做了全面的讨论,并提出软件故障的分析方法。
Using the visibleWhen element in a plug-in's configuration file is a great way to restrict the visibility of menu contributions at design or runtime. 在插件配置文件中使用visibleWhen元素是在设计或运行时限定菜单组件的可视性的好方法。