Pray for good results from a Rural Health Improvement Project(HIP). 愿新施行的农村卫生保健计划效果良好。
Monitoring and Supervising is a key issue in reproductive health improvement project. 改善卫生服务,督导是监督和指导项目地区卫生服务的重要过程;是发现项目存在的问题并解决问题的活动。
In order to explore effective and efficient ways for improving Reproductive Health ( RH ) services in poor rural China, the Foreign Loan Office of the Ministry of Health is carrying out A Reproductive Health Improvement Project(HIP) ( RHIP ). 探讨在中国农村贫困地区改善生育卫生服务的有效途径,卫生部国外贷款办公室在福特基金会的资助下,开展了改善生育卫生服务项目~([1])。
Field studies have shown that the survival of the mental health of university students have a certain improvement in the role of interpersonal relationships, anxiety and other factors project has significantly improved. 研究表明野外生存对大学生心理健康有一定的改善作用,人际关系、焦虑等因子项目有明显的改善。