It is talks with the Singapore Stock Exchange for a similar arrangement. 目前它正与新加坡证交所讨论类似的安排。
However, a recent joint venture between the Singapore Stock Exchange and Chi-X is expected to bring in a new level of competition to the region. 不过,新加坡证交所与chi-x新近建立的合资企业,预计将把亚洲地区的竞争引入新层面。
Global Logistic made an initial public offering on the Singapore stock exchange in 2010. 2010年,普洛斯在新加坡证券交易所(SGX)上市。
The plan is to take the fund the public on the Singapore Stock Exchange within 24 months, catering to the demand of investors for yield in a low interest world and giving the fund the nirvana of permanent capital. 目前的计划是在24个月内让上述基金在新加坡证交所上市,满足低利率环境中投资者对收益率的需求,也让基金进入资本一直充足的佳境。
If a deal is sealed, it would be one of the largest foreign takeovers yet seen in China : Hsu Fu Chi is valued at $ 2.6 billion on the Singapore stock exchange. 如果交易成功,这将成为中国最大的外国公司收购案之一:在新加坡股票交易所,徐福记估值高达26亿美元。