It is a lot easier to be a bad trader which is why most people lose money. most students now have computers accessible; accessible money. 成为一个糟的交易者比成为一个好的交易者来的容易得多,这也就是为什么总是大多数人输钱。大多数学生现在很容易得到计算机;容易获得的钱。
Most Americans lose sleep over money and even get a divorce. 很多美国人为钱而失眠,甚至离婚。
Most professional venture capitalists lose money, so why would amateurs in political office do any better? 就连多数职业风险资本家都会投资亏损,难道天天蹲办公室的业余选手会做得更好吗?
The California Air Resources Board obliges major manufacturers to sell an incrementally rising percentage of advanced technology ZEV cars even if, and most assuredly when, they lose money on them. 加州空气资源委员会(TheCaliforniaAirResourcesBoard)强制主要汽车制造商销售越来越高比例的先进技术零排放车型,即使(而且几乎肯定就会如此)他们要做亏本买卖。
In the short-term most airport projects will continue to lose money in the face of growing competition from high-speed rail and lack of passenger demand for out-of-the-way destinations. 短期内,由于来自高铁的竞争不断加剧,加之前往偏远地区的客源不足,大多数机场将持续亏损。