For larger backups, I may use a licensed product, such as IBM Tivoli Storage Manager(SM). 对于较大型的备份,我可以使用一个授权产品,比如IBMTivoliStorageManager。
Probably the best commercial backup and storage management utility available now for Linux is the Tivoli Storage Manager(SM). TivoliStorageManager或许是现在可用于Linux的最好的商业化备份和存储管理实用工具。
The onbar backup utility has two components : The onbar API and the storage manager. onbar备份实用工具有两个组件:onbarAPI和存储管理器(SM)。
Essentially a Storage Manager(SM) Server is configured with the devices appropriate to back up the environment. 本质上,StorageManager服务器是通过适合于备份该环境的设备来配置的。
A cache-only storage manager will be used. 将使用只缓冲(cache-only)存储管理程序。