We boarded a steam launch to Guangzhou and left Hongkong at ten o ' clock. 我们搭小火轮去广州。晚上十点钟船离开了香港。
" Eddie fahrway's got a new steam launch, and he wants me to come up and see how it works. " “埃迪法华买了条新汽艇。他请我去看看这船怎么样。”
It has the structure of U-shaped double completion string ( one for injection, the other for production ), use steam instead of nature gas as lifting medium and launch the lifting boll into lifting medium to increase lifting efficiency. 该工艺下入U形双管作为注入及举升通道,利用蒸汽作为气举工作介质,投入球塞提高举升效率。
One of these will be a STEAM exclusive skin, which is an updated version of the FM09 skin ( including tree menu ) which will be available a few weeks after launch. 其中一个好处是一个STEAM的专用皮肤,这是一个在启动后可用不少天的FM09升级版皮肤(包含树形菜单)。