This has led to a weird prejudice against true female players who are subject to the harassment of " proving " their gender. 这就导致了一种针对真正的女性玩家的非常诡异的偏见:后者会不断遭到各种据说是为了“证明”其性别而进行的骚扰。
We are looking for true team players that will be able to work with a very international team of colleagues. 我们欲组建一个可以与国际化团队共同协做的人力资源部。
As one of the only true multi-category beverage players in China, the measure of our success will be how we grow our total business between now and 2020 versus our growth in any particular quarter, Mr Kent said. 作为中国市场上少数几家真正的多品种饮料生产商之一,要衡量我们的成功,需从现在到2020年,看我们的整体业务如何发展,而不应仅看某一季度的增长。
Exposed the true character of players to meet the audience glimpse of private desires. 选手暴露出真实品性,满足观众的窥私欲望。
True, all these players were once fans. 不错,这些球员当初也曾是球迷。