This term refers to the lexical representation of grammatical information about a predicate. 这一术语指的是谓词有关语法信息的词汇表达法。
It defines an XML language for defining regular expressions for the lexical representation of new types. 它定义了一种XML语言,可用于定义新类型的词汇表示(LR)的正则表达式。
Other nouns do not have a-structure as part of their lexical representation, even though they may very well have semantic arguments appearing in their lcs definition. 其他的名词作为他们词汇表达式的一部分并没有论元结构,即使它们很可能具有出现在他们的词汇概念结构定义之中的语义论元。
The Development of Chinese Lexical Representation(LR) and the Mechanism of Word-Generating Errors by CSL Learners of English Background 母语为英语的汉语学习者词汇心理表征发展过程与造词偏误的心理机制研究
Note that if the number of days, hours, minutes, seconds is zero, you can omit it from the lexical representation provided that at least one of these is present. 注意,如果天、小时、分钟和秒数为0,则可以在词汇表示(LR)中省略它们,因为至少要提供1个值。