Mindfulness therapies include Mindfulness-based stress reduction, Mindfulness-based Cognitive therapy, and Dialectical Behaviour therapy. 正念疗法包括正念减压疗法、正念认知疗法以及辩证行为疗法(BT)等。
This paper first reviews the basic ideas and operational procedure of behaviour therapy, and then testifies and comments on its latest development. 本文一是论述了行为疗法(BT)的基本观点和操作步骤;二是重点论证了行为疗法(BT)的最新进展并对其进行了评述。
Objective To explore the clinical efficacy of antipsychotics plus cognitive behaviour therapy ( CBT ) in positive symptoms of chronic schizophrenics. 目的探讨抗精神病药物联合认知行为疗法(BT)治疗慢性精神分裂症患者阳性症状的临床疗效。
This sounds mushy but can have some surprisingly practical implications : Lord Layard, for example, has been a driving force behind the British government's goal of making cognitive behaviour therapy more widely available as a treatment for mental illness. 这种说法听起来软绵绵的,却能够产生某些出人意料的实际影响。例如,莱亚德勋爵是推动英国政府制定以下目标的人物之一:推广认知行为疗法(BT)在治疗精神病上的应用。
It sounds as if you are getting treatment, and I hope that some mixture of drugs and cognitive behaviour therapy will help in time. 听上去你似乎在接受治疗,希望药物和认识行为的混合疗法能尽快见效。