He is the region manager of eastern China. 他是华东地区的区域经理(RM)。
The Region manager loads views from the Modules into the correct Region. 最后区域管理器(Regionmanager)会从模块中将视图载入到正确的区域中。
Application of Region Manager(RM) in contour drawing RegionManager在等高线绘制中的应用
Ruijie central China region general manager Chen Yun addressed the conference, and give expressed his thanks to the honorable guests. 锐捷网络华中区域总经理陈在会上致辞,并对与会嘉宾表示感谢。
Every region has a local manager who supervises the region and runs the regional office. 每个地区设有一个地区经理,由他来管理整个地区和负责地区办公室。