In the respect of selling, rely mainly on the fact that leading market use the family expenses to the project, advanced place gradually as the main fact to change. 在销售方面,以家用龙头市场为主,逐渐向工程、高级场所使用为主转变。
It was here that his most advanced management experiments took place. 就是在这里他的高级管理经验诞生了。
In developing cultural undertakings and industry, it is imperative to meet the requirements of developing advanced culture and always place social effects in the first place. 发展各类文化事业和文化产业都要贯彻发展先进文化的要求,始终把社会效益放在首位。
My parents tried to find me another school but, in the end, because I was so advanced, the only place that was on the same level as me was State University of New York at Stony Brook. 我的父母试图给我找到另一所学校,但最后,由于我过于超前,唯一与我水平相当的学校是纽约州立大学石溪分校(StateUniversityofNewYorkatStonyBrook)。
Under the background of technology and information reform, market economy maturity and globalization, the fifth worldwide tide of banking merger has fantastically advanced. People again place their attention on the expansion of enterprise. 在信息技术革命、市场经济成熟、经济全球化的大背景下,以银行业为主的第五次世界并购浪潮使人们的目光又一次聚焦在企业规模化发展上。