As a new spatial unit in the development of modern city, urban agglomeration would be the basic unit of international competition under the 21st globalization. 作为现代城市发展的一个新的空间单元,城市群必将成为21世纪全球化背景下国际竞争的基本单位。
It indicates that logistics labor-division indirect effect on international trade, logistics adds one unit, international trade adds 1,330,000 dollars and 17,200,000 dollars, the total effect of logistics adding one unit on international trade is 23,300,000 dollars. 表明物流产业分工对国际贸易的间接作用机制,物流发展增加一个单位,国际贸易就增加0.0133亿元和0.172亿元,物流增加一个单位对国际贸易的总的影响为0.233亿元。
Determination of the value of 2e / h for the SI Unit and international adjustment 我国SI单位2e/h常数的测定及国际平差值
Haier Central Air-conditioning Unit Shares International Market upon Individualization 海尔中央空调靠个性化叩开国际市场大门
A multiple of a unit in the International System is formed by adding a prefix to the name of that unit. 经由在单位名称前面加一字首构成国际制度单位的倍数。