Create a contrast between Hi Tech(HT) buildings and natural landscape. 在高新建筑和自然景观直接产生一个强烈的对比。
Shandong is also an important HI TECH center in China. 山东省还是中国的重要的高科技(HT)中心之一。
ShenZhen GaiMing Hi Tech(HT) Magnetic Co., Ltd specializes in developing and manufacturing many kinds of magnets with high performance and high precision. 深圳市佳明高科磁铁制品有限公司是专门从事高性能,高难度磁石开发和生产的企业。
Bangalore has become a hi tech city in India due to its good investment environment and industrial foundation. 班加罗尔成为印度的高科技(HT)城,得益于它优良的投资环境和工业基础。
The development of Hi tech industry is the pioneer and main trend of economy development all around the world. 高新技术产业化发展是“经济增长的火车头”,发展高新技术产业已经成为当今世界经济发展的主旋律。