DreamWorks Animation maintains two studios : the original DreamWorks feature animation studio in Glendale, California and the PDI studio in Redwood City(RWC), California in the Silicon Valley region. 梦工厂保持着两个工作室:原始的梦工厂专栏工作室在加利福尼亚的格仑代尔,另一个PDI工作室在加利福尼亚的硅谷地区的红杉城。
It was found lost in a bar in Redwood City(RWC), camouflaged to look like an iPhone3GS. 它在加州雷德伍德市一家酒吧里被人捡到,当时它被伪装成3GS。
Back then, Oracle had not yet moved to its massive complex of green-tinged, glass towers in Redwood City(RWC), Calif., often called the emerald city. 当时,甲骨文还没有搬到位于加州雷德伍德的绿玻璃大楼,即众所周知的翡翠城。