MIXED fixed effects sensitive to magnitude of dependent variable, floating point problems. 混合固定效应(FE)敏感依靠规模变量,浮点运算的问题。
Diagnostic checking for dynamic panel models with fixed effects when both n and T are large 带有固定效应(FE)且n和T都很大的动态面板模型的诊断检验
By using panel data and fixed effects regression models, we have developed in this paper a new method which can be used to correct the omitted variable bias in some regression models. 一般的教材或研究文献没有谈及对其如何补救,该文提出一种采用面板数据和固定效应(FE)回归来对这种偏差进行补救的方法。
Simultaneous Estimation of Fixed Effects(FE) and Random Effects and Another Random Vector 固定效应(FE)、随机效应与另一随机向量的联合估计
The system GMM estimation overcomes the shortcomings of the OLS and fixed effects analysis, and avoids endogenous model. 采用系统GMM广义矩估计克服了运用横截面和面板数据的OLS方法、固定效应(FE)分析等的不足之处,可以避免内生性对模型的影响。