The big five has direct relationship with voice behavior; conscientiousness and extraversion have positive effects on voice behavior; 大五与进谏行为之间存在直接关系,尽责性和外向性(E)对进谏行为具有正的预测力;
Extraversion(E) reduced a person's likelihood of dying from respiratory disease, but had no other effects on mortality. 外向性(E)格则降低了个体死于呼吸系统疾患的可能性,但对死亡率其他方面没有影响。
This is typically characterised by neuroticism, and lack of extraversion and agreeableness. 这通常表现为神经过敏、性格缺乏外向和随合的表现。
What they found was that the avatars provided accurate information about extraversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism but not conscientiousness or openness. 他们发现的结果是,网络头像在外向性(E)、随和性和情绪不稳定性上提供的信息是准确的,但是在开放性和尽责性两个方面提供的信息则并不准确。
Eysenck argued that positive attitudes towards religion would be associated with low extraversion or low psychoticism. 艾森克认为,积极的宗教态度与较低的外倾性或较低的精神质有关。