The photographer should be a silent observer of a situation. 摄影记者在现场是沉默的观察家。
Having broken away from academic constraints, Qiu, a silent observer of urban dwellers, is able to successfully create a style to call his own. 邱亚才跳脱了学院画风的限制,在都会中静静的观察,成功的创造自我风格。
Within secongds, Ron's anxiety was shared by all but Albert, who continued to swoop around the garage until he came face-to-belt-buckle with our silent observer. 很快,每个人象罗恩一样焦急起来,除了阿尔伯特,他依然在车库里扑腾着,直到和一直在默默看我的父亲撞个正着。
Given the large scale of this work, the viewer feels as though he or she is standing in the very room, a silent observer of the fantastical scene. 作品庞大的规模使观者有如身历其境般置身于画面之中,默默地对此奇幻情景作出观察。
As she is a calm and silent observer, her opinions are mainly presented by unceasing consciousness rather than speech. 作为一名冷静和沉默的观察者(SO),她的观点主要通过持续的意识来呈现而不是通过言语。