He wants companies to follow the European model of social responsibility. 他希望各公司能够以欧洲公司为榜样,承担社会责任(SR)。
Company business philosophy : customer-centric, integrity in business world, wealth, social responsibility. 公司经营理念:以客户为中心,诚信经商,创富济世,承担社会责任(SR)。
There are also studies and projects examining Corporate Social Responsibility(SR) in China. 我们也有关于中国企业的社会责任(SR)的研究和项目。
The management talents for packaging industry should have forward-looking vision, comprehensive knowledge, international perspective and social responsibility. 包装行业需要的管理人才应具备前瞻性眼光、综合性知识、国际性视野和社会责任(SR)感。
This is our business as a social responsibility obligations. 这是我们企业作为社会一员的责任义务。