The position of conus medullaris terminal had a negative correlation with gestational age, body weight, head circumference and body height. 脊髓圆锥位置和胎龄、体重、头围(HC)、身高呈显著负相关。
The head circumference increases significantly secondary to obstructive hydrocephalus. 患儿在阻塞性脑积水发生后头围(HC)显著增大。
Besides that we found that the tongue size is correlated to the body height, weight and head circumference. 研究还发现舌体大小与身高、体重、头围(HC)等因素相关。
Method 333 infants were chosen to measure their weight, height, head circumference and chest circumference. 方法按照随机抽样的原则抽取男女儿童共333人,测定体重、身高、头围(HC)和胸围4项指标。
GDM neonatal head circumference slants small, the original reflection abate, the influence of the newborn brain development. GDM新生儿头围(HC)偏小,各原始反射减弱,影响新生儿的大脑发育。