This is yet another twist in the extraordinary political drama unfolding in Greece over the past few days. 这是过去几日里,在希腊并不寻常的政治戏码中上演的又一曲折插曲。
There are many theories about the beginning of drama in ancient Greece. The one most widely accepted today is based on the assumption that drama evolved from ritual. 关于古希腊戏剧(DRM)的起源存在着多种理论,其中一个最普遍为人接受的理论假设认为戏剧从仪式演化而来。
The eyes of the financial world are on the high drama playing out in Greece right now, and for good reason. 目前,金融界的注意力都集中在希腊这台大戏上,这合情合理。
The lateness formation of drama in China compared with Greece was discussed in this thesis. 本文针对中国传统戏剧晚成于古希腊戏剧(DRM)这一命题进行研究和探讨。
Drama first appeared in ancient Greece as early as 6th century BC. 戏剧最早出现在约公元前6世纪的古希腊。