Basic attributes like name and phone number will map to predicates with literal objects. 姓名和电话这类基本属性映射为文字宾语谓词。
Survey questionnaire mainly includes basic information ( name, gender, age, nationality, status of smoking, alcohol drinking and exercise ), snoring, and daytime sleepiness. 问卷主要包括调查对象基本信息(姓名、性别、年龄、民族、吸烟情况、饮酒情况、运动情况)、打鼾情况、日间嗜睡情况。
The basic database contains name of villages, towns and monitoring sites, time of monitoring, datas of moisture and so on. 基础数据库包括村镇名、监测点名称、观测时间等,另外还包括观测的含水量数据。
The User object will be pretty basic : just a name and two attributes related to Twitter's OAuth implementation, which we 'll leverage for its intuitive approach to authorization. User对象将是非常基本的:仅仅是一个名称和与Twitter的OAuth实现相关的两个属性,我们将充分利用其直观的授权方法。
You have a Person class that includes some basic attributes ( like name and phone number ) and also points to an OfficeLocation, which is also an object class. 其中Person类包含一些基本的性质(比如姓名和电话),同时指向另一个对象类OfficeLocation。