During the research on forward error code to overcome pulse noise, Middleton's Class A noise model is introduced as a statistical model of impulsive noise environment. 在基于前向纠错编码消除脉冲噪声的研究中,将电力线中的窄带脉冲噪声建模为:到达时间服从泊松分布、幅度服从正态分布的A类噪声;
Turbo product code ( TPC ) is a kind of forward error correct code with excellent performance. Turbo乘积码(TPC)是一种性能优异的前向纠错编码技术。
The forward error correction code is a binary Reed Solomon code. 前向纠错码是二进制Reed-Solomon码。
Concatenated forward error correction code in DWDM systems DWDM系统中的前向纠错级联码
At present, there are three reliability mechanisms that guarantee the data transmission in the WSN, they are forward error correction code ( FEC ), automatic retransmission ( ARQ ) and multipath transmission. 现在的WSN中,主要有三种保障数据可靠传输的机制,主要是前向纠错编码(FEC)、自动重传(ARQ)与多径传输。