He uses very little text, and usually one, maybe two images for his slide. 他用丰富的视觉盛宴替代繁冗的文字图表,通常每个幻灯片也只有一两张图片而已。
These features include : calculator, currency conversion, movies, search by number, and travel information ( to name a few of the features contained in that powerful little text field ). 这些特性包括:计算器、货币兑换、电影、号码搜索,以及旅游信息(以命名包含在强大的小文本(LT)字段中的许多特性)。
An outline itself contains little text. 提纲本身应该文字简练。
Maarten : Well, and now I want to end with a little text that my friend Sybrenjo wrote when we were driving. 马腾:嗯,现在我要用一点文章来做结尾,当我们还在开车,我的朋友西别纽写的。
So we're going to another little text that's asking again the same question, what is the politics of the early Christian movement, the early Jesus movement? 那么我们继续道另一段小经文,再次问同样一个问题,早期基督教运动,早期耶稣运动的,政治主张是什么?