British pharmaceutical GlaxoSmithKline factory will be responsible for Vardenafil's sales in the US. 英国的葛兰素史克药厂将负责替拜耳在美国行销vardenafil。
British pharmaceutical giant AstraZeneca has announced a research programme to develop a new generation of medicines to treat the genetic causes of many debilitating diseases, such as diabetes, heart disease and many cancers. 英国制药巨头阿斯利康制药日前宣布一项研究计划,开发新一代药物,治疗许多因遗传因素引起的使人衰弱的疾病,例如糖尿病、心脏病和不少癌症。
Discussions centre on a new drug development company that would salvage employment at British pharmaceutical research facilities earmarked for closure. 谈判的中心议题是成立一家新药品开发公司,该公司可能接手英国一些即将关闭的制药研究中心里的职位。
All materials for dressings contained in first aid boxes or cupboards shall be those designated in, and of a grade or quality not lower than the standards specified by, the British Pharmaceutical(BP) Codex or any supplement thereto. 急救箱或急救有的敷料,其物料《英副典》或其所指定者,而其或品不得低於《英副典》或其所指明的。