The computer at our data processing center can read all encoded items automatically. 我们的数据处理中心(DPC)的计算机能自动地读出所有的译码条目。
The Company consolidated its data processing systems with the opening of a new state-of-the-art data processing center in Clinton, N. J. 位于新泽西克林顿市的新数据处理中心(DPC)揭幕,成功整合公司的数据处理系统。
The local branch of the People's Bank of China shall submit the written application to the management bank of a provincial data processing center level by level after examining it to be correct. 中国人民银行当地分支机构审核无误后将书面申请逐级报送至省级数据处理中心(DPC)管理行。
A data processing center : MES data center. 一个数据处理中心(DPC):MES数据中心。
The system's each receiving station only sends the target's exact radial distance to data processing center. 该算法只需要组网雷达系统给数据处理中心(DPC)提供每个接收机所测得的准确径向距离,然后根据推广卡尔曼滤波技术迭代估算出目标的位置。