It is possible that the present Governor General(GG) will be made interim President, if the proposals go through 如果提案获得通过,现任总督(GG)可能被任命为临时总统。
Senators are chosen by the prime minister and appointed by the governor general. 上议院议员是被首相拣选出来,而被总督(GG)委任。
On my advice, the Governor General(GG) has agreed to prorogue Parliament. 总督(GG)采纳了我的建议,同意推迟国会。
The governor general givers final approval to the bill. 总督(GG)给予议案最后的批准。
Today, I had fruitful meetings and talks with Governor General(GG) Micha ë lle Jean and Prime Minister Harper, and we reached extensive consensus in our discussions. 今天,我同米夏埃尔让总督(GG)、哈珀总理进行了富有成果的会见会谈,达成广泛共识。