You can review question, your test record here to help to " remember " those questions you answered incorrectly. 系统记录您的练习和考试历史。您可以在这里查看以前的考试或练习记录,以帮助记忆。
The reviewer needs to integrate what type of outcome information is needed to answer the review's question with what is likely to be in the reports of studies. 评价者需要将回答回顾问题所需的结果资料的类型与研究报导中可能会出现什么结果整合起来。
Such tribunals or procedures shall be independent of the authorities responsible for the determination or review in question. 此类法庭或程序应独立于负责所涉裁定或审查的主管机关。
This article first attempts to review the question of human cloning from the view of bioethics using the important method on the applied ethics & bi-direction reflection. 本文运用应用伦理学研究方法&双向反思,首先站在生命伦理学的角度,对克隆人问题做出伦理反思;
We should not only responsible for the parts we can control on my own, but also responsible for the parts under the control of the luck. The problem of moral luck inspires moral philosophers to review the question of moral objectivity once again. 人们不但要对可控制的部分负责,同时还需要对命运的部分负责。道德运气问题促使哲学家再一次审视道德的客观性问题。