If Roslyn(ROZ) wants the DDL execution to stop when the first error is encountered, she can select that option. 如果Roslyn想要在遇到第一个错误时停止DDL执行,她可以选择该选项。
In the example environment, Roslyn(ROZ) does not have ODA installed, and because she has a source DB2 database and a target Oracle database, the combination would not be supported in ODA. 在示例环境中,Roslyn没有安装ODA,并且她的源是DB2数据库目标是Oracle数据库,所以在ODA中不支持该数据库组合。
After Eric successfully extracts the data from the source DB2 database, the next step is to load it into Roslyn(ROZ)'s target Oracle database. Eric成功从源DB2数据库提取数据之后,下一步就是将这些数据装载到Roslyn的目标Oracle数据库中。
For example, if Roslyn(ROZ) is interested in her subset containing data for1000 customers, she would select CUST as the start table. 例如,如果Roslyn对包含1000位客户的数据的数据子集感兴趣,她应该选择CUST作为开始表。
The first column represents the source data type ( in Roslyn(ROZ)'s case : DB2 ), and the second column represents the target ( Oracle ) data type. 第一个列表示源数据类型(在Roslyn的例子中为:DB2),第二个列表示目标数据类型(Oracle)。