Updates that have not been successfully installed have a red X next to them. 尚未成功安装更新有一个红色的X下给他们。
Hovering your cursor over the unit's red X shows only one error. 将您的鼠标停留在单元的红色X(RX)上,将会只显示出一个错误。
Click the red X to the right of an attribute filter to remove that filter. 点击属性过滤器右边的红色X(RX)以删除该过滤器。
Smartly, the prompt shows the current branch (" rubricmods ") and a red X, indicating that the current repository is dirty or that local files have been modified but not committed. 提示显示了当前的分支(“rubricmods”)和一个红色的X,这表示当前存储库是“脏的”,即已经修改了本地文件,但还没有提交。
Every day he wrote, he put a big red X through that day. 每天写了新内容,他就在当天的日期上画一个大大的叉。