The Records Management Office(RMO) is responsible for a records management programme which handles current and inactive records. 该处辖下的档案管理组负责档案管理计划,处理常用和非常用的档案;
Discusses the Records Management and the Office Automation 浅谈档案管理与办公自动化
With the development of information technology and the popularization of computer applications, the administration of higher institutions has entered the information age & from the original manual records management into the integrated management, namely paperless office. 随着信息化的发展和计算机应用的普及,高校管理也进入了信息化管理时代,实现了无纸化办公,即从原来的人工记录管理模式转变为计算机一体化管理。
The provision of centralised storage facilities has helped not only to enhance records management practices but also to realise substantial notional savings on rental for storage of inactive records in otherwise expensive office accommodation. 提供中央储存设施,不但有助加强档案管理措施,亦可节省部门在办公室储存非常用档案估计所需的巨额租金开支。