This paper describes the details of digital signature, its algorithm, there menaces come from the attacker and the security solutions by artifice security in protocol of networks. 本文论述了数字签名加密技术在算法上的一些易受攻击的细节和防范措施,以及安全认证协议在使用环境中受到的威胁和策略性解决方案。
In order to ensure data authenticity and reliability in wireless sensor networks, digital watermarking technique has been proposed as a part of security issues research contents, which also provides potential solutions for this problem. 为了确保网络中数据传输的真实性与可靠性,可以将数字水印技术作为无线传感器网络安全问题的研究内容,它为这一问题提供了潜在的解决方案。