An advanced negative selection algorithm adapted to the engineer needs in vehicle online testing is presented. 结合车辆在线检测背景,提出了一种改进型阴性选择算法。
An advanced multi-band negative transconductance LC oscillator is designed for stable and low phase noise output. 采用多频带负跨导LC振荡器,实现了低相位噪声的LC-VCO的设计。
Based on the analysis to the questionnaires, the following conclusions could be made : ( 1 ) when Kazakh students in intermediate and advanced classes use the negative structure of Chinese, there are some common errors; 问卷调查分析显示:(1)处于汉语中、高级学习阶段的哈萨克族学生在使用汉语否定结构时,会出现一些带有普遍规律性的偏误;
Internet instruction provides a good chance for the development of china advanced education, It produces some negative effects with its positive effects. 网络教学为中国高等教育的跨越式发展提供了极好的机遇,但它在发挥其优势的同时也随之带来了负面效应。
Is similar to other things, the network culture also has its dual character, we while full understanding network culture advanced, should also note many negative sides which in the network culture also exists. 如同其他事物一样,网络文化也具有两面性,我们在充分认识网络文化先进性的同时,也应注意到网络文化中还存在着的许多消极方面。