So, naturally, readers have gone elsewhere, to myriad online sources that better cater to their interests. 于是,读者就自然而然地转移到了其他地方,即数不胜数、可以更好地迎合自己兴趣的在线资源。
But the old teachers are all dead, or gone elsewhere; and no enlightenment is to be hoped for from that quarter. 但是以前的那些老师,有的已经死了。有的已经到别的地方去了;从他们那里是打听不出什么消息来的。
A Rhineland baron who overtaxed commercial travelers would find that the trade routes had gone elsewhere, and with it his revenues. 一个莱茵兰的男爵因对商旅过度征税而会发现,商路改到别的地方,他的收益不翼而飞了。
And in the more than 40 years since then, the China-U.S. relationship has gone through winds and rains and it made historical progress. And our two peoples and the people elsewhere in the world have reaped huge benefits from this. 40多年来,中美关系历经风雨,取得了历史性进展,给两国人民和各国人民带来了巨大利益。