Meanwhile the authors should guide actively the audience to improve their aesthetic level, so as to establish a virtuous cycle. 同时作家也要积极引导观众的审美水平不断提高,这样便能够在作者与观众间建立起良性循环。
In the narrative of the novel, these special marks are often some kind of metaphor or the symbolic clue set up deliberately by the authors which guide the readers to understand thoughts, feelings and attitudes of the works. 在小说叙事中,这些特殊的标记往往是创作者为了引导接受者理解作品所要表达的思想、情感、态度而有意设置的具有某种隐喻功能或象征意义的提示线索。
The authors point out ore guide of prospecting, metallogenic model and metallogenic prognosis. 依此提出了找矿标志、成矿模式和成矿预测。
The Go authors have tried to let clarity of code guide all of their decisions regarding the design of the language. Go语言的作者试图将代码的清晰明确作为设计该语言作出所有决定的指导思想。
The authors want governments to use happiness as a guide to public policy, rather as they use GNP now. 《全球幸福指数报告》的起草者们希望各国政府制定公共政策时,能以幸福感为指导依据,而不是他们现在所使用的国民生产总值。