It will cost you a whole to read through this book. 通读这本书将会花费你整整。
She spent the whole afternoon and read four books there. 她在那里呆了整整一个下午并且阅读了四本书。
There was zero reader reaction to any of that, but my aside on forgetting names provoked such an expectedly large mail bag that it took me a whole morning to read it. 后面这些问题没有收到任何读者反馈,但关于我记不住名字这件事,却正如我所预料的,招来了很多邮件,我用了整整一个上午才读完。
Ask the whole class to read the riddle together. 通过整个谜语的朗读,为学生自己说打好基础。
The Act as a whole must be read in light of the policy section ( section 2 ( b )). 这个法案从整体上可按照政策条款〔第2条(b)〕来理解。