Applicant brought personal photo albums. 应聘者带了私人相册。
If you like our style, you can contact us, we 'll give you service such as personal photo, couple photo, advertising photography, text planning and so on. 如果您喜欢我们的风格,您可以与我们联系,我们可以为您进行个人写真、情侣写真、广告拍摄、文字策划等。
But there's personal photo album you're gonna treasure and you have a nice coffee table book at the end with all of your pictures etc. 但你也可以制作将要收藏的个人相册,最后就可以有一个装帧精美的图册,里面都是你的照片等等。
Personal photo, whether colorful or black and white, is required to put on the designated part of the document. 个人照片(PP),要求布置在文件的指定部分,不限彩色或黑白照片。
Application Form for Foreign Students to Tunghai University A recent personal photo must be attached to the form. 本校入学申请表一份(附贴二吋半身近照一张)。