Endurance is important, but it's not the only pre-requisite for having a successful race. 耐力是重要,但是,它不是比赛成败的唯一前提。
It provides important work products and outcomes required as a pre-requisite to construction of a set of Portfolios, and a Portfolio Structure. 它提供了构建一组项目组合所必需的重要工作产物和结果,比如,首要的任务和项目组合结构(PortfolioStructure)。
The pre-requisite is that you should have access to the original Rational Project environment. 首要的是您应该访问原始的Rational项目环境。
Pre-requisite : Participants has basic knowledge in reservation and fare calculation. 报读条件:学员必需有基础订位系统及票价计算的认识。
Pre-requisite : Participants require to have knowledge in travel agencies or airline's reservation. 报读条件:学员需拥有基本旅行社及航空公司工作的认识。