Remember struggling with reverse Polish notation on your first scientific calculator? 还记得在您的第一台科学计算器上用逆波兰(RP)表示法奋斗的经历吗?
Postfix notation is also known as reverse Polish notation ( RPN ) and is commonly used because it enables easy evaluation of expressions. 后缀表示法也称逆波兰(RP)表示法(reversePolishnotation,RPN),因其使表达式求值变得轻松,所以被普遍使用。
Many basic concepts and algorithms, such as finite automata, regular expression, context-free grammar, operator precedence algorithm, Reverse Polish(RP) Expression, etc, are be introduced and given the appropriate instance to illustrate. 同时介绍了有穷状态机,正则表达式,上下文无关文法,算符优先算法,逆波兰(RP)式等基本概念及算法,并给出了适当的实例加以说明。
This note gives a survey of the algorithms which recreate infix forms of general arithmetic expressions from their corresponding reverse Polish forms. 本文综述了从算术表达式的逆波蓝形式重建为通常算术表达式中缀形式之算法。
A note on recreating source code from reverse Polish form 关于从逆波兰(RP)形式重建源程序的注记