' We are about to send two aircraft to the sea now, joining with nine vessels already on water there now, ' Vo Van Tuan, deputy chief of staff of Vietnamese People's Army, told The Wall Street Journal. 越南人民军副总参谋长武文俊(VoVanTuan)对《华尔街日报》表示,越南将向该海域派出两架飞机,与现已在该海域的九艘船只一同搜索失联航班。
The EIA identifies the Vietnamese Company of Economic Cooperation as a major participant in the illegal trade, and says it is overseen by an army branch located in Vietnam's Vinh city. 环保调查组织说,这个过程中最主要的参与者是“越南经济合作公司”,而这家公司正是越南军方控制下的。