The performance of the digital detector used in cable receive channel has been improved obviously. 用于地震勘探电缆接收道的数字检波器,其性能已有了很大提升。
But because of the E-zine are not level in contents and the E-zine's receive channel are complex at present, the E-zine can not well meet the needs of users. 但是,现在的电子杂志内容水平良莠不齐、接受渠道复杂,并没有很好地满足用户的需求。
Design of Receive Channel in the Radar System Based on the Software Radio Technology 基于软件无线电技术的雷达系统接收通道设计
In the high-power multiple-channel system, these passive devices will have higher harmonics that will be mixed to generate new frequencies, and they fall into receive Channel to influence the communication quality. 在大功率多传输信道的通信系统中,这些无源部件能够产生高次谐波,这些高次谐波会混合产生新频率的干扰信号,落入接受通道内影响正常的通信质量。
IN receive channel, the low noise amplifier make the signal which received from the antenna enough strong to demodulation. 而低噪声放大器用于接收链路中放大天线接收到的微弱信号,使信号电平达到解调单元所能分辨的电平。