President George H(GH). W. Bush certainly noticed that there was something a bit odd about the height of summer. 老布什(georgeh.w.bush)总统显然注意到了盛夏时节的诡异之处。
From the most unpromising of starts, he ended up with a far more impressive record, at least in electoral terms, than George H(GH) W Bush. 从一个暗淡无光的开端,走到无比辉煌的终点,至少就选举纪录来说,他远胜于老布什。
Bush at Madrid in1991 nor Bill Clinton at Camp David in2000 nor George W.Bush at Annapolis in2007 succeeded in making peace or even bringing it visibly closer. 1991年马德里的乔治·H·布什,2000年戴维营的比尔·克林顿,2007年安纳波利斯的乔治·W·布什皆难力挽狂澜,和平依然遥不可及。